
Xtrack provides a twiss method associated to the line that can be used to obtain the lattice functions and other quantities like tunes, chromaticities, slip factor, etc. This is illustrated in the following examples. For a complete description of all available options and output quantities, please refer to the xtrack.Line.twiss() method documentation.

Basic usage (ring)

The following example shows how to use the twiss method to obtain the lattice functions and other quantities for a ring.

import numpy as np
import xtrack as xt

# Load a line and build tracker
line = xt.Line.from_json(
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles(mass0=xt.PROTON_MASS_EV, q0=1, energy0=7e12)
line.vars['vrf400'] = 16

# Twiss
tw = line.twiss()

# Inspect tunes and chromaticities
tw.qx # Horizontal tune
tw.qy # Vertical tune
tw.dqx # Horizontal chromaticity
tw.dqy # Vertical chromaticity

# Plot closed orbit and lattice functions
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(6.4, 4.8*1.5))
spbet = plt.subplot(3,1,1)
spco = plt.subplot(3,1,2, sharex=spbet)
spdisp = plt.subplot(3,1,3, sharex=spbet)

spbet.plot(tw.s, tw.betx)
spbet.plot(tw.s, tw.bety)
spbet.set_ylabel(r'$\beta_{x,y}$ [m]')

spco.plot(tw.s, tw.x)
spco.plot(tw.s, tw.y)
spco.set_ylabel(r'(Closed orbit)$_{x,y}$ [m]')

spdisp.plot(tw.s, tw.dx)
spdisp.plot(tw.s, tw.dy)
spdisp.set_ylabel(r'$D_{x,y}$ [m]')
spdisp.set_xlabel('s [m]')

    r'$q_x$ = ' f'{tw.qx:.5f}' r' $q_y$ = ' f'{tw.qy:.5f}' '\n'
    r"$Q'_x$ = " f'{tw.dqx:.2f}' r" $Q'_y$ = " f'{tw.dqy:.2f}'
    r' $\gamma_{tr}$ = '  f'{1/np.sqrt(tw.momentum_compaction_factor):.2f}'

fig1.subplots_adjust(left=.15, right=.92, hspace=.27)

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

Lattice functions and accelerator parameters as obtained by Xtrack twiss.

Inspecting twiss output

The twiss table has several access options as illustrated in the following example.

import numpy as np

import xtrack as xt

# Load a line and build tracker
line = xt.Line.from_json(
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles(
                    mass0=xt.PROTON_MASS_EV, q0=1, energy0=7e12)

# Twiss
tw = line.twiss(method='4d')

# Print table
# prints:
# name                       s x px y py zeta delta ptau    betx    bety    alfx ...
# ip7                           0 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 120.813 149.431
# drift_0                       0 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 120.813 149.431
# tcsg.a4r7.b1_entry          0.5 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 119.542 150.821
# tcsg.a4r7.b1                0.5 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 119.542 150.821
# tcsg.a4r7.b1_exit           1.5 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 117.031  153.63
# drift_1                     1.5 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 117.031  153.63
# ...
# tcsg.a4l7.b1             26655.4 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 130.019 139.974
# tcsg.a4l7.b1_exit        26656.4 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 127.334 142.627
# drift_6661               26656.4 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 127.334 142.627
# lhcb1ip7_p_              26658.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 120.813 149.431
# _end_point               26658.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 120.813 149.431

# Access to scalar quantities
tw.qx    # is : 62.31000
tw['qx'] # is : 62.31000

# Access to a single column of the table
tw['betx'] # is an array with the horizontal beta function at all elements

# Access to a single element of the table of a vector quantity
tw['betx', 'ip1'] # is 0.150000

# Regular expressions can be used to select elements by name
# returns:
# TwissTable: 9 rows, 41 cols
# name                           s x px y py zeta delta ptau    betx    bety ...
# ip7                            0 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 120.813 149.431
# ip8                      3321.22 0  0 0  0    0     0    0     1.5     1.5
# ip1.l1                   6664.72 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15
# ip1                      6664.72 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15
# ip2                      9997.16 0  0 0  0    0     0    0      10      10
# ip3                      13329.4 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 121.567 218.584
# ip4                      16661.7 0  0 0  0    0     0    0  236.18 306.197
# ip5                        19994 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15
# ip6                      23326.4 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 273.434  183.74

# A section of the ring can be selected using names
# returns:
# TwissTable: 16 rows, 41 cols
# name                           s x px y py zeta delta ptau    betx    bety ...
# ip5                        19994 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15
# mbcs2.1r5_entry            19994 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15
# mbcs2.1r5                  19994 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15
# mbcs2.1r5_exit           20000.5 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 281.817 281.817
# drift_5020               20000.5 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 281.817 281.817
# taxs.1r5_entry           20013.1 0  0 0  0    0     0    0  2419.5  2419.5
# taxs.1r5                 20013.1 0  0 0  0    0     0    0  2419.5  2419.5
# taxs.1r5_exit            20014.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0  2898.3  2898.3
# drift_5021               20014.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0  2898.3  2898.3
# bpmqstza.1r5.b1_entry    20015.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 3189.09 3189.09
# bpmqstza.1r5.b1          20015.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 3189.09 3189.09
# bpmqstza.1r5.b1_exit     20015.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 3189.09 3189.09
# drift_5022               20015.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 3189.09 3189.09
# mqxfa.a1r5_entry         20016.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 3504.46 3504.47
# mqxfa.a1r5               20016.9 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 3504.46 3504.47
# mqxfa.a1r5_exit          20021.1 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 4478.55 5360.39

# A section of the ring can be selected using the s coordinate
# returns:
# TwissTable: 10 rows, 41 cols
# name                           s x px y py zeta delta ptau    betx    bety ...
# bpm.8r7.b1_entry         300.698 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 22.6944     174
# bpm.8r7.b1               300.698 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 22.6944     174
# bpm.8r7.b1_exit          300.698 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 22.6944     174
# drift_52                 300.698 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 22.6944     174
# mq.8r7.b1_entry          301.695 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 21.8586 178.331
# mq.8r7.b1                301.695 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 21.8586 178.331
# mq.8r7.b1_exit           304.795 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 21.6904 176.923
# drift_53                 304.795 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 21.6904 176.923
# mqtli.8r7.b1_entry       304.964 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 21.8057 176.036
# mqtli.8r7.b1             304.964 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 21.8057 176.036

# A section of the ring can be selected using indexes relative one element
# (e.g. to get from three elements upstream of 'ip1' to two elements
# downstream of 'ip1')
# returns:
# TwissTable: 6 rows, 41 cols
# name                           s x px y py zeta delta ptau    betx    bety ...
# mbcs2.1l5_entry          19987.5 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 281.817 281.817
# mbcs2.1l5                19987.5 0  0 0  0    0     0    0 281.817 281.817
# mbcs2.1l5_exit             19994 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15
# ip5                        19994 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15
# mbcs2.1r5_entry            19994 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15
# mbcs2.1r5                  19994 0  0 0  0    0     0    0    0.15    0.15

# Columns can be selected as well (and defined on the fly with simple mathematical
# expressions)
tw.cols['betx dx/sqrt(betx)']
# returns:
# TwissTable: 30699 rows, 3 cols
# TwissTable: 10 rows, 3 cols
# name                        betx dx/sqrt(betx)
# ip7                      120.813    -0.0185459
# drift_0                  120.813    -0.0185459
# tcsg.a4r7.b1_entry       119.542    -0.0186442
# tcsg.a4r7.b1             119.542    -0.0186442
# tcsg.a4r7.b1_exit        117.031    -0.0188431
# ...

# Each of the selection methods above returns a valid table, hence selections
# can be chained. For example we can get the beta functions at all the skew
# quadrupoles between ip1 and ip2:

tw.rows['ip1':'ip2'].rows['mqs.*b1'].cols['betx bety']
# returns:
# TwissTable: 4 rows, 3 cols
# name                        betx    bety
# mqs.23r1.b1              574.134 57.4386
# mqs.27r1.b1              574.134 57.4386
# mqs.27l2.b1              59.8967 62.0111
# mqs.23l2.b1              59.8968  62.011

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

4d method (RF off)

When the RF cavities are disabled or not included in the lattice (or when the longitudinal motion is artificially frozen) it is not possible to use the standard method for the twiss calculation. In these cases, the “4d” method can be used, as illustrated in the following examples:

import xtrack as xt

# Load a line and build tracker
line = xt.Line.from_json(
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles(mass0=xt.PROTON_MASS_EV, q0=1, energy0=7e12)

# We consider a case in which all RF cavities are off
tab = line.get_table()
tab_cav = tab.rows[tab.element_type == 'Cavity']
for nn in
    line[nn].voltage = 0

# For this configuration, `line.twiss()` gives an error because the
# longitudinal motion is not stable.
# In this case, the '4d' method of `line.twiss()` can be used to compute the
# twiss parameters.

tw = line.twiss(method='4d')

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

Off-momentum twiss

The 4d mode of the twiss can be used providing in input the initial momentum. This feature can be used to measure the non-linear momentum detuning of a ring as shown in the following example:

import numpy as np
from cpymad.madx import Madx

import xtrack as xt

mad = Madx()'../../test_data/hllhc15_noerrors_nobb/sequence.madx')

line = xt.Line.from_madx_sequence(mad.sequence.lhcb1)
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles(p0c=7000e9, mass0=xt.PROTON_MASS_EV)


tw = line.twiss()

delta_values = np.linspace(-5e-3, 5e-3, 100)

qx_values = delta_values * 0
qy_values = delta_values * 0
for i, delta in enumerate(delta_values):
    print(f'Xsuite working on {i} of {len(delta_values)}  ', end='\r', flush=True)
    tt = line.twiss(method='4d', delta0=delta)

    qx_values[i] = tt.qx
    qy_values[i] = tt.qy

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

Twiss with “initial” conditions

The twiss calculation can be performed with initial conditions provided by the users or extracted from an existing twiss table, as illustrated in the following example:

import xtrack as xt

# Load a line and build tracker
line = xt.Line.from_json(
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles(mass0=xt.PROTON_MASS_EV, q0=1, energy0=7e12)

# Periodic twiss
tw_p = line.twiss()

# Twiss over a range with user-defined initial conditions (at start)
tw1 = line.twiss(start='ip5', end='mb.c24r5.b1',
                betx=0.15, bety=0.15, py=1e-6)

# Twiss over a range with user-defined initial conditions at end
tw2 = line.twiss(start='ip5', end='mb.c24r5.b1', init_at=xt.END,
                alfx=3.50482, betx=131.189, alfy=-0.677173, bety=40.7318,
                dx=1.22515, dpx=-0.0169647)

# Twiss over a range with user-defined initial conditions at arbitrary location
tw3 = line.twiss(start='ip5', end='mb.c24r5.b1', init_at='mb.c14r5.b1',
                 alfx=-0.437695, betx=31.8512, alfy=-6.73282, bety=450.454,
                 dx=1.22606, dpx=-0.0169647)

# Initial conditions can also be taken from an existing twiss table
tw4 = line.twiss(start='ip5', end='mb.c24r5.b1', init_at='mb.c14r5.b1',

# More explicitly, a `TwissInit` object can be extracted from the twiss table
# and used as initial conditions
tw_init = tw_p.get_twiss_init('mb.c14r5.b1',)
tw5 = line.twiss(start='ip5', end='mb.c24r5.b1', init=tw_init)

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

Result of all twiss calculations with initial conditions shown in the example above.

Periodic twiss on a portion of a line

The twiss method can also be used to find the periodic solution for a portion of a beam line, as illustrated in the following example:

import xtrack as xt

# Load a line and build tracker
line = xt.Line.from_json(
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles(mass0=xt.PROTON_MASS_EV, q0=1, energy0=7e12)

# Periodic twiss of the full ring
tw_p = line.twiss()

# Periodic twiss of an arc cell
tw = line.twiss(method='4d', start='mq.14r6.b1', end='mq.16r6.b1', init='periodic')

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

Result of the twiss with periodic boundary conditions.

Beam sizes from twiss table

The transverse and longitudinal beam sizes can be computed from the twiss table, as illustrated in the following example:

import numpy as np
import xtrack as xt

# Load a line and build tracker
line = xt.Line.from_json(
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles(mass0=xt.PROTON_MASS_EV, q0=1, energy0=7e12)

# Twiss
tw = line.twiss()

# Transverse normalized emittances
nemitt_x = 2.5e-6
nemitt_y = 2.5e-6

# Longitudinal emittance from energy spread
sigma_pzeta = 2e-4
gemitt_zeta = sigma_pzeta**2 * tw.bets0
# similarly, if the bunch length is known, the emittance can be computed as
# gemitt_zeta = sigma_zeta**2 / tw.bets0

# Compute beam sizes
beam_sizes = tw.get_beam_covariance(nemitt_x=nemitt_x, nemitt_y=nemitt_y,

# Inspect beam sizes (table can be accessed similarly to twiss tables)
# prints
# name                       s     sigma_x     sigma_y sigma_zeta    sigma_px ...
# ip3                        0 0.000226516 0.000270642    0.19694 4.35287e-06
# ip4                  3332.28 0.000281326 0.000320321   0.196941 1.30435e-06
# ip5                  6664.57  7.0898e-06 7.08975e-06    0.19694  4.7265e-05
# ip6                  9997.01 0.000314392 0.000248136   0.196939 1.61401e-06
# ip7                  13329.4 0.000205156 0.000223772   0.196939 2.70123e-06
# ip8                  16650.7 2.24199e-05 2.24198e-05   0.196939 1.49465e-05
# ip1                  19994.2 7.08975e-06 7.08979e-06   0.196939 4.72651e-05
# ip2                  23326.6 5.78877e-05 5.78878e-05   0.196939 5.78879e-06

# All covariances are computed including those from linear coupling
# is:
# ['s', 'name', 'sigma_x', 'sigma_y', 'sigma_zeta', 'sigma_px', 'sigma_py',
# 'sigma_pzeta', 'Sigma', 'Sigma11', 'Sigma12', 'Sigma13', 'Sigma14', 'Sigma15',
# 'Sigma16', 'Sigma21', 'Sigma22', 'Sigma23', 'Sigma24', 'Sigma25', 'Sigma26',
# 'Sigma31', 'Sigma32', 'Sigma33', 'Sigma34', 'Sigma41', 'Sigma42', 'Sigma43',
# 'Sigma44', 'Sigma51', 'Sigma52'])

# Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(6.4, 4.8*1.5))
spbet = plt.subplot(3,1,1)
spdisp = plt.subplot(3,1,2, sharex=spbet)
spbsz = plt.subplot(3,1,3, sharex=spbet)

spbet.plot(tw.s, tw.betx)
spbet.plot(tw.s, tw.bety)
spbet.set_ylabel(r'$\beta_{x,y}$ [m]')

spdisp.plot(tw.s, tw.dx)
spdisp.plot(tw.s, tw.dy)
spdisp.set_ylabel(r'$D_{x,y}$ [m]')

spbsz.plot(beam_sizes.s, beam_sizes.sigma_x)
spbsz.plot(beam_sizes.s, beam_sizes.sigma_y)
spbsz.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma_{x,y}$ [m]')
spbsz.set_xlabel('s [m]')

spbet.set_xlim(tw['s', 'ip5'] - 2000, tw['s', 'ip5'] + 2000)

fig1.subplots_adjust(left=.15, right=.92, hspace=.27)

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

Beam sizes as obtained from twiss.

Particles normalized coordinates

The twiss table holds the information to convert particle physical coordinates into normalized coordinates. This can be done with the method get_normalized_coordinates as illustrated in the following example:

import numpy as np
import xtrack as xt

# Load a line and build tracker
line = xt.Line.from_json(
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles(
                    mass0=xt.PROTON_MASS_EV, q0=1, energy0=7e12)

# Generate some particles with known normalized coordinates
particles = line.build_particles(
    nemitt_x=2.5e-6, nemitt_y=1e-6,
    x_norm=[-1, 0, 0.5], y_norm=[0.3, -0.2, 0.2],
    px_norm=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], py_norm=[0.5, 0.6, 0.8],
    zeta=[0, 0.1, -0.1], delta=[1e-4, 0., -1e-4])

# Inspect physical coordinates
tab = particles.get_table()
# prints
# Table: 3 rows, 17 cols
# particle_id s            x           px            y          py zeta   delta chi ...
#           0 0 -0.000253245  3.33271e-06  5.10063e-05 1.00661e-06    0  0.0001   1
#           1 0 -2.06127e-09  3.32087e-07 -3.42343e-05 5.59114e-08  0.1       0   1
#           2 0  0.000152331 -7.62878e-07  3.45785e-05  1.0462e-06 -0.1 -0.0001   1

# Compute twiss
tw = line.twiss()

# Use twiss to compute normalized coordinates
norm_coord = tw.get_normalized_coordinates(particles, nemitt_x=2.5e-6,

# Inspect normalized coordinates
# Table: 3 rows, 8 cols
# particle_id at_element       x_norm px_norm y_norm py_norm   zeta_norm  pzeta_norm
#           0          0           -1     0.1    0.3     0.5 1.06651e-07  0.00313799
#           1          0 -1.59607e-20     0.2   -0.2     0.6  0.00318676 1.12046e-05
#           2          0          0.5     0.3    0.2     0.8  -0.0031868  -0.0031492

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

Reverse reference frame

The reverse` flag, allows getting the output of the twiss in the counter-rotating reference system. When reverse is True, the ordering of the elements is reversed, the zero of the s` coordinate and of the phase advances is set at the new start, the sign of the coordinates s` and x` is inverted, while the sign of the coordinate y is unchanged. This is illustrated in the following example:

import xtrack as xt

# Load collider with two lines
collider = xt.Multiline.from_json(
collider.lhcb1.twiss_default.clear() # clear twiss default settings
collider.lhcb2.twiss_default.clear() # clear twiss default settings
collider.vars['on_disp'] = 0 # disable dispersion correction

# Set a horizontal crossing angle between the two beams  in the interaction
# point ip1 and a vertical crossing angle in ip5
collider.vars['on_x1hl'] = 10 # [urad]
collider.vars['on_x5vl'] = 10 # [urad]
# Set a vertical separation between the two beams in the interaction point ip5
# and a horizontal separation in ip5
collider.vars['on_sep1v'] = 0.5 # [mm]
collider.vars['on_sep5h'] = 0.5 # [mm]

# Twiss the two lines (4d method since cavities are off)
tw1 = collider.lhcb1.twiss(method='4d')
tw2 = collider.lhcb2.twiss(method='4d')

tw1.reference_frame # is `proper`
tw2.reference_frame # is `proper`

# tw1 has a clokwise orientation while tw2 has a counter-clockwise orientation.
# name         s   mux   muy         x          y         px         py
# ip1          0     0     0 4.313e-09     0.0005  1.002e-05 -4.133e-09
# ip3       6665 15.95 15.45 2.392e-08 -2.209e-07  3.695e-10 -3.005e-09
# ip5  1.333e+04 30.93 29.99    0.0005  4.332e-09  1.918e-08      1e-05
# ip7  1.999e+04 46.35 44.59 2.138e-07 -1.785e-08 -2.132e-09 -3.078e-11

tw2.rows['ip[1,3,5,7]'].cols['s mux muy x y px py'].show(digits=4)
# prints:
# name         s   mux   muy          x          y         px         py
# ip7       6665 16.19 15.45 -5.941e-09   2.69e-07 -1.098e-10  2.428e-09
# ip5  1.333e+04 31.28 30.37     0.0005  5.997e-09 -4.562e-09  1.003e-05
# ip3  1.999e+04 46.46 44.81  -9.85e-08 -2.447e-08  3.218e-09 -9.711e-10
# ip1  2.666e+04 62.31 60.32 -2.278e-09    -0.0005     -1e-05   2.57e-08

# -- Reverse b2 twiss --
# The `reverse`` flag, allows getting the output of the twiss in the counter-rotating
# reference system. When `reverse` is True, the ordering of the elements is reversed,
# the zero of the s coordinate and fo the phase advances is set at  the new start,
# the sign of the coordinates s and x is inverted, while the sign of the coordinate
# y is unchanged. In symbols:
# s   -> L - s
# mux -> mux(L) - mux
# muy -> muy(L) - muy
# x   -> -x
# y   -> y
# px  -> px
# py  -> -py

tw2_r = collider.lhcb2.twiss(method='4d', reverse=True)
tw2_r.reference_frame # is `reverse`

tw2_r.rows['ip[1,3,5,7]'].cols['s mux muy x y px py'].show(digits=4)
# prints:
# name         s   mux   muy         x          y         px         py
# ip1  2.183e-11     0     0 2.278e-09    -0.0005     -1e-05  -2.57e-08
# ip3       6665 15.85 15.51  9.85e-08 -2.447e-08  3.218e-09  9.711e-10
# ip5  1.333e+04 31.03 29.95   -0.0005  5.997e-09 -4.562e-09 -1.003e-05
# ip7  1.999e+04 46.12 44.87 5.941e-09   2.69e-07 -1.098e-10 -2.428e-09

# In this way, for a collider, it is possible to plot the closed orbit and the
# twiss functions of the two beams in the same graph. For example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(1)

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax1.plot(tw1.s, tw1.x * 1000, color='b', label='b1')
ax1.plot(tw2_r.s, tw2_r.x * 1000, color='r', label='b2')
ax1.set_ylabel('x [m]')

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax1)
ax2.plot(tw1.s, tw1.y * 1000, color='b', label='b1')
ax2.plot(tw2_r.s, tw2_r.y * 1000, color='r', label='b1')
ax2.set_ylabel('y [mm]')
ax2.set_xlabel('s [mm]')

ax1.set_xlim(tw1['s', 'ip5'] - 300, tw1['s', 'ip5'] + 300)

ax1.axvline(x=tw1['s', 'ip5'], color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
ax2.axvline(x=tw1['s', 'ip5'], color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
plt.text(tw1['s', 'ip5'], -0.6, 'ip5', rotation=90, alpha=0.5,
         horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top')

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

Closed Orbit of the two LHC beams in the same reference frame. This is obtained setting reverse=True on the twiss of beam 2.

Twiss defaults

It is possible to change the default behavior of the twiss method for a given line using line.twiss_defaults, which is a dictionary with the desired default twiss arguments. This is illustrated in the following example:

import xtrack as xt

# Load a line and build tracker
line = xt.Line.from_json(
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles(mass0=xt.PROTON_MASS_EV, q0=1, energy0=7e12)

# Twiss (built-in defaults)
tw_a = line.twiss()
tw_a.method # is '6d'
tw_a.reference_frame # is 'proper'

# Inspect twiss defaults
line.twiss_default # is {}

# Set some twiss defaults
line.twiss_default['method'] = '4d'
line.twiss_default['reverse'] = True

# Twiss (defaults redefined)
tw_b = line.twiss()
tw_b.method # is '4d'
tw_b.reference_frame # is 'reverse'

# Inspect twiss defaults
line.twiss_default # is {'method': '4d', 'reverse': True}

# Reset twiss defaults

# Twiss (defaults reset)
tw_c = line.twiss()
tw_c.method # is '6d'
tw_c.reference_frame # is 'proper'

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/twiss/

Twiss with synchrotron radiation

See Synchrotron radiation.