
Xsuite is a collection python packages for the simulation of the beam dynamics in particle accelerators. It supports different computing platforms, in particular conventional CPUs and and Graphic Processing Units (GPUs).

Xsuite is composed by the following packages:
  • Xobjects: infrastructure to manage the memory, compile and execute code on different computing platforms;

  • Xpart: package to generate and manipulate ensembles of particles;

  • Xtrack: single-particle tracking library, creation/import of beam line descriptions;

  • Xfields: computation of the electromagnetic fields generated by particle ensembles using Particle In Cell (PIC) solvers or analytical distributions.

  • Xdeps: management of the dependencies, implementation of deferred expressions.

  • Xcoll: simulation of particle-matter interaction through a native engine and through interfaces with the FLUKA and Geant4 codes.

The Xsuite documentation includes:
  • a user’s guide describing the installation and the main functionalities of Xsuite and its usage for several applications;

  • a reference guide describing interface of all the modules and classes of Xsuite;

  • a physics guide describing the physics models implemented in the code;

  • a developer’s guide describing the code internals and how to add new features.

The source code is available in these GitHub repositories.

Citing Xsuite

If you wish to cite Xsuite in your article, please refer to the following publication (INSPIRE entry):

G. Iadarola, R. De Maria, S. Łopaciuk, A. Abramov, X. Buffat, D. Demetriadou, L. Deniau, P. Hermes, P. Kicsiny, P. Kruyt, A. Latina, L. Mether, K. Paraschou, G. Sterbini, F. F. Van Der Veken, P. Belanger, P. Niedermayer, D. Di Croce, T. Pieloni, L. Van Riesen-Haupt, M. Seidel. “Xsuite: An Integrated Beam Physics Simulation Framework,” JACoW HB2023 (2024), TUA2I1.

Indices and tables