
See also: xtrack.ParticlesMonitor, xtrack.LastTurnsMonitor, xtrack.BeamPositionMonitor, xtrack.BeamProfileMonitor, xtrack.BeamSizeMonitor.

The easy way

When starting a tracking simulation with the Xtrack Line object, the easiest way of logging the coordinates of all particles for all turns is to enable the default turn-by-turn monitor, as illustrated by the following example. Note: this mode requires that particles.at_turn is 0 for all particles at the beginning of the simulation.

import json

import xtrack as xt
import xpart as xp
import xobjects as xo

context = xo.ContextCpu()

with open('../../test_data/hllhc15_noerrors_nobb/line_and_particle.json') as f:
    dct = json.load(f)
line = xt.Line.from_dict(dct['line'])
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles.from_dict(dct['particle'])


num_particles = 50
particles = xp.generate_matched_gaussian_bunch(line=line,

num_turns = 30
line.track(particles, num_turns=num_turns,
              turn_by_turn_monitor=True # <--
# line.record_last_track contains the measured data. For example,
# line.record_last_track.x contains the x coordinate for all particles
# and all turns, e.g. line.record_last_track.x[3, 5] for the particle
# having particle_id = 3 and for the turn number 5.

# Monitor objects can be dumped to a dictionary and loaded back
mon = line.record_last_track
dct = mon.to_dict()
mon2 = xt.ParticlesMonitor.from_dict(dct)

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/monitor/

Custom monitors

In order to customize the monitor’s behaviour, a custom monitor object can be built and passed to the Line.track function.

Particles coordinates can be recorded only in a selected range of turns by specifying start_at_turn and stop_at_turn. The monitoring can also be limited to a selected range of particles IDs, by using the argument particle_id_range of the ParticlesMonitor class to provide a tuple defining the range to be recorded. In that case the num_particles input of the monitor is omitted.

The example above is changed as follows:


monitor = xt.ParticlesMonitor(_context=context,
    particle_id_range=(5, 42),
    start_at_turn=5, # <-- first turn to monitor (including)
    stop_at_turn=15, # <-- last turn to monitor (excluding)

line.track(particles, num_turns=num_turns,
           turn_by_turn_monitor=monitor, # <-- pass the monitor here

Now, line.record_last_track.x[3, 5] gives the x coordinates for the particle 3 (which has the id 8) and the recorded turn 5 (which is turn number 10) The particle ids that are recorded can be inspected in line.record_last_track.particle_id and the turn indeces in line.record_last_track.at_turn.

Multi-frame particles monitor

The particles monitor can also record periodically spaced intervals of turns (frames) This feature can be activated by providing the arguments n_repetitions and repetition_period when creating the monitor. In the following example, we record turns in range 5 to 10 (first frame), range 25 to 30 (second frame) and range 45 to 50 (third frame). Note that each frame consists of 5 turns since stop_at_turn is excluding.

monitor = xt.ParticlesMonitor(_context=context,
    n_repetitions=3,      # <--
    repetition_period=20, # <--

Now, the measured data are 3D array with the first index being the frame number. For example, line.record_last_track.x[0, :, :] contains the recorded x position for the first frame (turns 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) and line.record_last_track.x[-1, :, 0] refers to the last frame and the first turn within, which is turn number turn 25. As before, the turn numbers recorded can be inspected with line.record_last_track.at_turn.

Particles monitor as beam elements

Particles monitors can be used as regular beam element to record the particle coordinates at specific locations in the beam line. For this purpose they can be inserted in the line, as illustrated in the following example.

import json

import xtrack as xt
import xpart as xp
import xobjects as xo

context = xo.ContextCpu()

with open('../../test_data/hllhc15_noerrors_nobb/line_and_particle.json') as f:
    dct = json.load(f)
line = xt.Line.from_dict(dct['line'])
line.particle_ref = xt.Particles.from_dict(dct['particle'])

num_particles = 50
monitor_ip5 = xt.ParticlesMonitor(start_at_turn=5, stop_at_turn=15,
monitor_ip8 = xt.ParticlesMonitor(start_at_turn=5, stop_at_turn=15,
line.insert_element(index='ip5', element=monitor_ip5, name='mymon5')
line.insert_element(index='ip8', element=monitor_ip8, name='mymon8')


particles = xp.generate_matched_gaussian_bunch(line=line,

num_turns = 30
monitor = xt.ParticlesMonitor(_context=context,
                              start_at_turn=5, stop_at_turn=15,
line.track(particles, num_turns=num_turns)

# monitor_ip5 contains the data recorded in before the element 'ip5', while
# monitor_ip8 contains the data recorded in before the element 'ip8'
# The element index at which the recording is made can be inspected in
# monitor_ip5.at_element.

# Complete source: xtrack/examples/monitor/

As all Xtrack elements, the Particles Monitor has a track method and can be used in stand-alone mode as illustrated in the following example.

# line.track(particles, num_turns=num_turns)
for iturn in range(num_turns):

Last turns monitor

The xtrack.LastTurnsMonitor records particle data in the last turns before respective particle loss (or the end of tracking).

The idea is to use a rolling buffer instead of saving all the turns. This saves a lot of memory resources when the interest lies only in the last few turns. For each particle, the recorded data will cover up to n_last_turns*every_n_turns turns before it is lost (or the tracking ends).

monitor = LastTurnsMonitor(
    particle_id_range=(0, 5),
    n_last_turns=5,            # amount of turns to store
    every_n_turns=3,           # only consider turns which are a multiples of this

... # track

monitor.at_turn[:,-1]  # turn number of each particle before it is lost (last turn alive)
monitor.x[3,-2]        # x coordinate of particle 3 in one but last turn (-2)

The monitor provides the following data as 2D array of shape (num_particles, n_last_turns), where the first index corresponds to the particle in particle_id_range and the second index corresponds to the turn (or every_n_turns) before the respective particle is lost: particle_id, at_turn, x, px, y, py, delta, zeta

Beam position monitor

The xtrack.BeamPositionMonitor records transverse beam positions, i.e. it stores the x and y centroid positions of particles. This can be useful for tune or beam-transfer-function diagnostics as well as transverse schottky spectra.

The monitor allows for arbitrary sampling frequencies and can thus not only be used for bunch positions, but also coasting beam positions. Higher sampling frequencies give access to transverse beam oscillations at higher harmonics, which is especially useful for schottky diagnostics. Internally, the particle arrival time is used when determining the record index. For coasting beams this ensures, that the centroid is computed considering all particles which arrive at the monitor at the same time (as in a real-world measurement device), even if some particles might have made more or less turns than the synchronous particle due to a non-negligible momentum deviation.

\[i = f_{samp} \times \left(\frac{n-n_0}{f_{rev}} - \frac{\zeta}{\beta_0 c_0}\right)\]

where \(f_{samp}\) is the sampling frequency, \(f_{rev}\) is the revolution frequency, \(n\) is the current turn number and \(n_0\) is the first turn recorded, \(\zeta=(s-\beta_0\cdot c_0\cdot t)\) is the longitudinal zeta coordinate of the particle, \(\beta_0\) is the relativistic beta factor of the particle and \(c_0\) is the speed of light. For non-circular lines \(n\) is always zero and \(f_{rev}\) can be omitted.

Note that the index is rounded, i.e. the result array represents data of particles equally distributed around the reference particle, which is useful for bunched beams. For example, if the sampling frequency is twice the revolution frequency, the first item contains data from particles in the range zeta/circumference = -0.25 .. 0.25, the second item in the range 0.25 .. 0.75 and so on.

monitor = xt.BeamPositionMonitor(
    #particle_id_range=(5, 42),        # optional, defaults to all particles if not given
    start_at_turn=5, stop_at_turn=10,  # turn refers to the synchronous particle (at zeta=0)
    frev=1e6,                          # revolution frequency (only for circular lines)
    sampling_frequency=2e6,            # sampling frequency

... # track

print(monitor.count)   # waveform of number of particles (intensity)
print(monitor.x_mean)  # waveform of horizontal centroid positions (alias monitor.x_cen)
print(monitor.y_mean)  # waveform of vertical centroid positions (alias monitor.y_cen)

The result arrays can be understood as waveforms recorded at the specified sampling frequency. In the special case where sampling frequency was set to the same value as the revolution frequency, the indices are identical to the recorded turn numbers (of the synchronous particle).

Beam size monitor

The xtrack.BeamSizeMonitor records transverse beam sizes, i.e. it stores the standard deviation of the particles x and y positions.

Like the Beam position monitor also the beam size monitor is based on particle arrival time and an arbitrary sampling frequency.

monitor = xt.BeamSizeMonitor(
    #particle_id_range=(5, 42),        # optional, defaults to all particles if not given
    start_at_turn=5, stop_at_turn=10,  # turn refers to the synchronous particle (at zeta=0)
    frev=1e6,                          # revolution frequency (only for circular lines)
    sampling_frequency=2e6,            # sampling frequency

... # track

print(monitor.count)   # waveform of number of particles (intensity)
print(monitor.x_mean)  # waveform of horizontal centroid positions
print(monitor.y_std)   # waveform of vertical position standard deviation (i.e. beam size)
print(monitor.x_var)   # waveform of horizontal position variances

Beam profile monitor

The xtrack.BeamProfileMonitor records transverse beam profiles, i.e. it stores the number of particles on a defined raster (like a histogram).

Like the Beam position monitor also the beam profile monitor is based on particle arrival time and an arbitrary sampling frequency.

monitor = xt.BeamProfileMonitor(
    #particle_id_range=(5, 42),        # optional, defaults to all particles if not given
    start_at_turn=5, stop_at_turn=10,  # turn refers to the synchronous particle (at zeta=0)
    frev=1e6,                          # revolution frequency (only for circular lines)
    sampling_frequency=2e6,            # sampling frequency
    n=100,                             # number of bins in the profile (can also specify nx and ny separately)
    x_range=(-4,2),                    # save horizontal profile extending from -4 to 2
    y_range=5,                         # shorthand for (-2.5, 2.5)

... # track

print(monitor.x_edges)      # the bin edges
print(monitor.x_grid)       # the bin midpoints
print(monitor.x_intensity)  # the actual profile (particle count per bin)

The recorded profiles are 2D arrays of shape (sample_size, n) where sample_size = round(( stop_at_turn - start_at_turn ) * sampling_frequency / frev). I.e. monitor.x_intensity[0,:] is the first recorded profile and monitor.x_intensity[-1,:] the last.